celebrating success
6 Years
An Award-Winning Nationally Recogonized Organization serving
Teen Parent Families
Rosemary's Babies Company launced our organization in 2016. Since, the now 5 year old impact organization
has created a media footprint nationally to give a voice to their plight to change the outlook for teen parents.
through various media sources
We would like to thank the media, news reporters, and marketing sponsors who share our story and mission worldwide.
Weekly we saturate the market with more than 100K impressions. Our Forbes article reached more than 133K views.
KISH Magazine
Ohio Business Magazine
Feminine Collective
Cheryl Magazine
Cincinnati Magazine
Cincy Magazine
Movers & Makers Cincinnati
Cincinnati Business Courier
Forbes Magazine
Money Magazine
Entrepreneur Magazine
Fortune Magazine
Smart Business Magazine
The Good Men Project
Channel 9 WCPO
Channel 5 WLWT
Women of Cincy
Good Things Going Around
Buckeye Spotlight
Mount St Joseph University News
Metropolitan Club Magazine
Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati Herald
Voyage ATL
& other television, internet, radio and social feeds.
Please continue to support - we cannot do this without you "Our Community."
For media, inquiries contact our office at rosemarysbabies.cincy@gmail.com