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Escaparate de leyendas: edición COVID
"Máscaras y zapatillas"
Teatro del siglo XX
7 de noviembre de 2020
5:30 - 8:00 p.m.
$ 65 incluye bebidas | YP $ 50
Subasta online de rosas, rosados y más
Servicio de valet y postre de cortesía
Organizado por Lincoln Ware
Scherrie y Susaye anteriormente de las Supremes
Makenzie Thomas de la Voz
Mezcla Premium
Ed Sax Thomas
Charice Rodgers
DJ Vader Mixx
Thank you for supporting this event. The donations received this evening will help RBC renovate and provide housing for homeless babies and their moms. 35% of the moms we serve are homeless or housing insecure. Smile knowing that you are changing the outlook and trajectory for two generations & future generations. 100% of your donations goes toward this endeavor. Learn more.
5 Ways to Give Now!
Donate Online HERE
CashApp, Venmo, Paypal | rosemarysbabiesco
Text the code "HOLLOWAYHOUSE" to 44-321
We Can Do This Together! Give.

Check out our #GivingTuesday Silent Auction
Great Items and Live Performance by Ed "Sax" Thomas
November 30, 7:00pm EST

Congratulations to Our 2021
Leadership & Legacy Awards Recipients


Hear the success stories of these present and former teen parents

2021 L&L Recipients
Mirar ahora
5 Ways to Give Now!
Donate Online HERE
CashApp, Venmo, Paypal | rosemarysbabiesco
Text the code "HOLLOWAYHOUSE" to 44-321
We Can Do This Together! Give.
Cheryl Magazine is a quarterly publication with a focus on highlighting the amazing work of powerful women. Each issue of Cheryl Magazine brings you the grace, class, style, and power of this country’s far-most leading yet unsung women. Some of them you know, some you will come to know, but all of them, gifts to their perspective fields of endeavor. It's Inspiration for the Everyday Woman—for women, about women, by women. Learn more or book Cheryl Polote-Williamson

Patrocinador Rosa

Patrocinador Rosa

Te agradecemos

Patrocinador amistoso de Rose
Te agradecemos
Primera financiera
Seguro de vida del sur occidental
Shannon Crutchfield, banquero de Coldwell
Petróleo Hightower
Dorothy y John Haynes
Apro Servicios de contabilidad

M. Belsar & Friends
A. Mack Enterprises

E. Bobbey & Friends
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